Urgent Notice for Residents - Baird Ave / Baird Lane
Proposed Traffic Changes – Restricting Parking & Traffic
If you are a resident of Bunnerong Road, Baird Ave, Baird Lane, Jenning Street (Matraville NSW 2036)
then you should be concerned with proposed development Item: DA/26/2025 - 482 Bunnerong Road.
What is happening:
A Commercial Developer wants to build 7 storeys commercial building on 482 Bunnerong Road / Baird Lane.
This proposal (DA/26/2025) is being reviewed by Randwick Council and means:
Restrict / limit/ shutdown traffic access to Baird Ave & Baird Lane for the build duration of approx. 3 years.
No more residential street parking – Builders and Commercial construction vehicles will park all along Baird Ave & Baird Lane.
Randwick Council is asking if any resident is opposed to Traffic & Parking disruptions, Privacy breaches, potential damage to properties during the development (approx. 3 years).
Our view in protecting resident's right:
We, the residents of Baird Ave and Baird Lane STRONGLY OPPOSE the proposed commercial development and need your help to email the council
Without your support this commercial developer will life miserable for everyone.
What we need you to help us with:
Please Email Randwick Council before Wednesday 12 February 2025 to voice your concern and Opposition
Include your Name, Address, Reasons for Opposing DA/26/2025
Reasons why this commercial development is so bad:
1. Traffic disruption during development
Baird Ave & Baird Lane are too narrow to support Commercial heavy construction vehicles.
Traffic controller will force residents to giveway or detour to other streets.
Commercial grade construction vehicles will block traffic going in / leaving Baird Ave.
Residents will be hampered/restricted/denied access of using their garage/car exits from Baird Lane as per past building projects.
2. Street Parking already full
We don't have capacity for any more street parking for construction vehicles and builders.
Existing parking on Baird Ave is already at maximum capacity, we can’t support additional 20+ Utes, trailers, trucks taking up valuable parking spot for residents.
illegal parking across resident driveways is expected to worsen with this development.
3. Excessive height of the building (20 meters high)
7 storey building blocks out natural sun light between 7am ~ 11am for properties along Baird Lane.
7 storey building invades residents’ privacy.
4. Damages from Commercial size development
The digging depth required for 7 storey building + underground carpark/basement is excessive and will lead to certain damage/ cracks/ collapse of nearby buildings.
Past projects have shown Commercial size development causes vibration damage to nearby building and properties.
5. Noise and pollution from Commercial size development
Baird Ave & Baird Lane is a completed residential zone, we can’t accept commercial level pollution (chemical/dust) and high decibel noise level (7am~7pm).
Constant exposure to Commercial Level pollution and noise are known to cause significant mental and health issues.
6. Traffic blockage & Noise after development
Increased commercial deliveries by truck will block Baird Lane and Baird Ave.
Increased Residential deliveries, renovations, moving in/moving out will block Baird Lane & Baird Ave more regularly.
Increased level of illegal parking blocking the road.
Commercial & Residential event/Party noise will be amplified and travel to multiple street due to the 7 storeys building height!
Your next step:
Please Email Randwick Council before Wednesday 12 February 2025
Let them know of your concerns and that you do not support this proposal
Email: council@randwick.nsw.gov.au
For the vote to be valid, you must include:
Your Name
Reasons for Opposing DA/26/2025 --- 482 Bunnerong Road , Matraville, NSW 2036
Thank you for your time and standing up for your rights